
Showing posts from April, 2022


Sgt. Slater and his squad of White Shields flew low over Festungrad's streets toward their destination.  The Sergeant of red platoon's first squad looked over the fresh recruits in the valkyrie with him, and wondered if these recruits were ready. This was to be these White Shield's first real operation.  He cast a sidelong glance at the three men from 1st Squad that accompanied him, at least he would have some proven men at his side. Landing platform X-23 sat nestled in the city, close to the fighting in progress. This assignment was last minute, but deemed important by Sagan command. If any of the landing pads fell to the cultists it would seriously hamper the Sagan army from bringing their forces to bear on the enemy.  The moment the Valkyrie touched down, Slater barked the order to disembark the flyer. The White Shields executed the order flawlessly, taking up firing points around the pad. Suddenly...

Kill team Tiamat

Kill Team Tiamat Of all traitorous troops on Saga,none are so devious and brutal as Kill Team Tiamat.Drawn mostly from the dreaded Godsworn company Tempestus scions,these traitors were indoctrinated by the corrupt schola Progenium " Order of the Chattering Darkness". When The Perfect Path declared war on  the God-Emperor, The Godsworn came out of hiding and began the work they were born to do.

Slater's White Shields

Sgt. Slater, of the 101st Sagan guard yellow company's red platoon 1st Squad, was ordered by his superiors to guard one of Festungrad's many landing pads. Before he shipped out his orders had changed to lead a squad of fresh White Shields instead of his normal squad.  Accompanying the Sergeant are his Vox operator Brendan, plasma gunner Smalls, and Marksman Trev.