
Showing posts from July, 2023

Traitor Guard pt. 1

Lt. Dekker and his "Street Sweepers" execute a sweep and clear operation in a hab block where cultists of the Perfect Path had been seen propagandizing to the populous.  The 101st was joined by two armoured fist squads of the 666th along with their Commander Lt. Darkhelm in the execution of their duties. Together they eliminated a large enemy cell in a brutal building to building battle.   As Dekker's men prepared to move on when Sentinel pilot PFC Brandon noticed that Darkhelm's battle tank drawing a bead on him with the tanks battle cannon. The Sentinel pilot shouting a warning over the comms and firing a single blast from his plasma cannon before the tank fired, destroying the walker in a single shot. Alerted to the betrayal Dekker's men bring plasma and meltaguns to bare, washing the enemy tank with punishing firepower. Losing many good soldiers, the traitor tank was nutralized. While dist...

Darkhelm's Reiver's

The Sagan 666th are known for using mechanized tactics to barrel into enemy lines, causing as much damage as possible before disgorging well armed shock troops amongst the foe. Tank Commander Hans Darhelm leads his Reivers from the front, eager to rack up a tally of destruction.

Dekker's Ground forces

2nd Lieutenant Brad Dekker of the 101st Sagan army Yellow companies green Infantry platoon is one of many officers assigned to the field to crush the rebellion on Saga Prime. Trained on Cadia, Dekker utilized shock troop tactics to take and hold ground and utilized scout sentinels as heavy support. Due to the dense urban terrain and heavy infantry combat Dekker requisitioned a wyvern from the 203rd Artillery company.