Grim Resolve
A storm of autogun fire assaults the trapped Scions, as wave after zealous wave of cultists rush the ruins in order to destroy the Imperials inside.
No matter how many are cut down by righteous Las fire two more cultists surge forth to take their place.
Tempestor Kane shouts orders to his men over the thunder of his bolt pistol and autogun fire, dust and debris showering him and his squad under the wait of fire.
Scion Carpenter works diligently to repair the vox caster in hopes of sending a distress call to any Imperials in the area, ignoring the body of one of his squadmates as it falls mere inches from him.
Skara Lashborn smiled to herself from the safety of cover. She knew that she had won. The Perfect Path had members all through the city, and were utterly devoted to the cult's cause.
She watched as more cultists rushed the Imperial's position, each getting closer to their enemy before being shot down.
These martyrs will be remembered when humanity ascends to perfection.
One after another the defenders began to fall. There were simply not enough of them and too many true believers.
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