Odds Against

A few city blocks away, Lamenters' 1st tactical squad conducted a sweep and clear mission. 

They moved from habitation to habitation, putting heretics down with bolter and combat knife. Saddened by the fact that these citizens have turned from the Emperor's light, they carried out their duty less others be led astray. 

As the Astartes entered a city square cultists rushed in in an Ambush, flooding the streets in a wave of bodies. 

The Lamenters took up defensive positions in a hab building, killing scores of cultists with blessed bolter rounds as solid rounds ricocheted off their armour. 

Brother Artemis identified what appeared to be the horde's leader skulking in a hab across the square, and uploaded the data to his battle-brothers' HUD.

Brother Thesis took aim with his missile launcher and fired, the building across the square exploded with deadly shrapnel, killing the cultist leader and many heretics nearby.

Sgt. Dutiful, seeing the horde falter, ordered his squad into the square to finish those who had turned from the Emperor's light.

The Cultists of the Golden Path rallied quickly and swarmed the yellow armoured giants, pulling them down with the weight of their bodies. 

1st Squad fought valiantly, but met their demise under a barrage of rifle butts, boots, fists, and knives.


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