Traitor Guard pt. 2

Retreating deeper into the city, with Darkhelm and the 666th hot on their heels, Lt. Dekker and his men seek cover from the traitorous forces. 
With superior speed on their side, Darkhelm's men soon catch up to the Emperor's lapdogs. Soon, Festungrad will be free, and will no more sons and daughters of Saga need fight in wars for the uncaring Imperium. 
Knowing that Darkhelm's men will soon be upon them, the Imperials prepare to defend themselves. Their maps showing that the area contains ample supplies, automated defenses, and a vox relay. If they survive and clear the area they would be able to call Governor Verrätor and request reinforcements.
Laying down withering fire, two armoured fist squads take control of the vox relay and the defense battery, ensuring the Imperial low-lives could not call their HQ and warn them.
The Imperials Knowing that control of the relay was vital, rushed the vox. The Chimera was critically damaged by melta and plasma fire, forcing the crew to rush out to hold the relay.
Similarly losing their transport to the Imperials, 2nd Iron fist affixed their bayonets and charged into the enemy, killing the Imperial infantry in a brutal melee. 

As more enemy squads pour onto the objective the 666th defending the vox relay are overwhelmed and killed.
With his men killed, Darkhelm opens fire with his relic battle cannon upon the enemy. His elite crew of gunners efficiently aiming and firing  until no one was left standing. With no more hostiles nearby Darkhelm turned the relic cannon upon the vox relay itself,  making sure the enemy could not make use of it.


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