Traitor Guard pt.3

Pushing their advantage, Darkhelm ordered the 666th to give chase to the Imperials. 
The Tank Commander determined to crush the Street Sweepers once and for all. 
As the 666th moved down the rubble strewn streets Imperials sprung from hiding. The Emperor's lapdogs focused their fire upon Darkhelm's battle tank in an effort to assassinate the Sagan tank Commander. 
The Imperial fire bounced uselessly of the relic tank's hull as Dekker's men gave it everything they had. The Sub Lieutenant bellowing orders to not let up. 
"Open Fire!" Darkhelm ordered over the comms. The Chimera skid to a halt and took aim. Imperials dropping in the streets in droves as multi laser fire scythed through their ranks.
Imperials rushed from cover filling the Street with a solid wall of lasfire to little effect on the armoured vehicles. The 666th return fire however destroyed entire squads with every Salvo. 
As the smoke cleared the 666th stood unbowed. Darkhelm ordered his men to disembark and dispatch any wounded. Many of the armoured fist soldiers began to take trophies, a practice that was not done amongst the 666th until now.
As Darkhelm looked on in disgust he noticed that his former comrade, Lt. Dekker was not among the dead. With a bellow he ordered his men to mount up. 
The 666th moved on to continue the hunt.


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