Traitor Guard pt.6 the Final Showdown

After Lt. Dekker's victory, the Streetsweepers needed badly to re-arm and rest at a nearby supply depot. 
While the Imperials resupplied Darkhelm repaired his damaged tanks and gave chase using his foreknowledge of the location of the supply depot. 
Under the watchful eyes of Imperial Saints the two armies squared off for what will be the final time. 
Using his superior arms and armour to take the upper hand, Darkhelm ordered his men to fire everything they had as they raced toward Dekker's men. Imperial soldiers fell in droves under the hail of las and heavy bolter fire. 
A scout Sentinel moved from cover to engage one of Darkhelm's Chimera only for the light tank's crew to veer away, ignoring the walker to continue it's attack on the vulnerable infantry squads. 

As the Chimera shot threw the streets, Darkhelm had a clear shot at the sentinel. 
Firing all the tank's guns at once the sentinel exploded, leaving nothing behind.
Only taking minor hull damage from Imperial fire the Chimera continued it's torrent of fire. The Imperials were mowed down like wheat, covering the hab streets with gore. As the transport drew near a group of survivers the driver gunned the engine and rammed the soldiers,  killing the remaining men under it's dozer blade are treads.
Laying covering fire with it's stubborn the chimera's ramp crashed down. Sagan 666th troopers poured out into the Street firing wildly at Dekker's command squad.
Imperial soldiers ,seeking cover, moved into cover of a hab building. Ramming through the walls, Darkhelm's tank fired through the falling debris. The entire squad was vaporized by point-blank battle cannon shots.
With no enemy combatants Darkhelm ordered his men to dispatch the wounded with their bayonets. Minutes later he received a message over the comms that Lt. Dekker has dead. Regretting only that he was not the one to kill his foe, he picked up his vox and reported his victory to his superior. 
"Death to the servants of the corpse emperor. 
For Saga!"
Replied the vox in a harsh whisper. 


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