Uncovered Secrets

Doing routine logistics, Adeptus scribe Graeme Reede, of the departmento munitorum discovers something suspicious. 
Following protocol Graeme contacted Inquisitor Agatha Ivana.
The Scribe reported that an encrypted logistics file indicated that for months before the cult uprising somebody has been siphoning weapons and supplies to the Golden Path, marking the items as lost. Not only this, but it appears that assets and troops have been moved to the 666th Sagan regiment. 
As Graeme made his report it was intercepted by Tepestor Prime, Zaggan Blackbringer, of the God sworn. Jamming the signal, Zaggan orders his men to seek the Scribe and kill him.

The signal lost, Inquisitor Ivana orders Virion Stormborn of PEGASUS to retrieve Graeme and bring him in. Ivana knows that time is of the essence, as enemy troops are no doubt seeking the Adept themselves. 


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