The Masters Emerge

Olaf Bitterfrost and his scouts prepare to escort Tempestor Kane to safety for extraction, before they must resume the hunt. Sven Keenear patrolling the ruins parameter picks up movement among the surrounding buildings, Cultists of the Perfect Path moving swiftly from cover to cover. Hulking forms of Astartes looming in the shadows. "Ambush!!" Called Grey Padfoot over the comms from the other end of the building. The Wolves and their ally readied their weapons for the coming assault. Xavier Twosoul strolled the streets surrounded by followers of the Perfect Path as they rushed towards the servants of the False Emperor. He was bored and couldn't wait to face the Imperial dogs in combat. He gripped his double bladed power sword tight at the thought of cleaving through the filthy Imperials. Thule took up a position with the more heavily armed cultists. His senses pulsing with combat elixer...