
Showing posts from March, 2022

The Masters Emerge

Olaf Bitterfrost and his scouts prepare to escort Tempestor Kane to safety for extraction, before they must resume the hunt.  Sven Keenear patrolling the ruins parameter picks up movement among the surrounding buildings, Cultists of the Perfect Path moving swiftly from cover to cover. Hulking forms of Astartes looming in the shadows.  "Ambush!!" Called Grey Padfoot over the comms from the other end of the building. The Wolves and their ally readied their weapons for the coming assault.  Xavier Twosoul strolled the streets surrounded by followers of the Perfect Path as they rushed towards the servants of the False Emperor. He was bored and couldn't wait to face the Imperial dogs in combat. He gripped his double bladed power sword tight at the thought of cleaving through the filthy Imperials.  Thule took up a position with the more heavily armed cultists.  His senses pulsing with combat elixer...

The Entourage of Perfection

The Entourage of Perfection are the True leaders of the Perfect Path.  Known to few of their followers, they serve as a conduit between the Dark Prince and their followers on Saga Prime.  Long in the Shadows, The Entourage step forth to see that the cult fulfills it's Destiny. 

Saving Tempestor Kane

Olaf Bitterfrost and his scouts picked their way silently through the streets of Festungrad, appearing only as shadows, dispatching cultists of the Perfect Path before their presence was even known.  Sven Keenear picked up a faint vox signal on is comms. With a little fine tuning to strengthen the signal, Sven broadcast the message to all the members of his squad. Pegasus Company was nearby and in dire need. A lone Tempestor has survived a brutal attack and requires aide. Olaf gives the signal to move out and offer any assistance to Tempestor Kane.  Kane's beacon lead the Wolves into a hab block that by the looks of things appeared to be the setting of a fierce battle only recently. As they picked through the streets their Auspex scanners indicated that Tempestor can was close, but so were members of the Perfect Path, apparently searching for Kane themselves. The wolves snuck ever closer to their enemy. Suddenly Olaf spotted a group of culti...

Wolves in the Streets

Scout Sergeant Olaf Bitterfrost leads a squad of Wolf Scouts and fire support through Festungrad's shadowy streets, as civil unrest escalates throughout the city. A Veteran of countless battles, Olaf was put under command of the newly established Wolf Lord Torvald Evernight during the Hepstire Cleansing campaign against the Orks, where his experience in Stealth and assassination proved vital in the conflict. Now, Torvald hopes that Olaf and his scouts can bring a quick end to this conflict as well. 


Things look dire for Tempestor Kane. Trapped in a crumbling hab building, surrounded by his fallen brothers, no comms, and surrounded by bloodthirsty heretics.  As the Perfect Path swarms the building's entrance Kane utters a prayer to the God Emperor of mankind. Taking a deep breath, he prepares to bite down on a suicide capsule hidden in a false tooth, but before he commits his final act he hesitates.  As long as he still draws breath he has a duty to the Imperium.  Gathering any gear he can carry, including a meltagun off a fallen Scion, he rushes deeper into the building. Using the remaining melta charge, he cuts through the hab walls and escapes into the streets and disappears into the city. Finding a vox caster on a fallen Arbiter, he signals command for aid.

Options and Strategies

The situation in the lower levels of Festungrad are beginning to get out of control. Governor Theodore Verrätor meets with Lord Inquisitor Agatha Ivana, along with Wolf Lord Torvald Evernight of the Space Wolves and Raphaello Sanzio of the Lamenters chapter, to devise a plan to rid the city of Cultists. 

Odds Against

A few city blocks away, Lamenters' 1st tactical squad conducted a sweep and clear mission.  They moved from habitation to habitation, putting heretics down with bolter and combat knife. Saddened by the fact that these citizens have turned from the Emperor's light, they carried out their duty less others be led astray.  As the Astartes entered a city square cultists rushed in in an Ambush, flooding the streets in a wave of bodies.  The Lamenters took up defensive positions in a hab building, killing scores of cultists with blessed bolter rounds as solid rounds ricocheted off their armour.  Brother Artemis identified what appeared to be the horde's leader skulking in a hab across the square, and uploaded the data to his battle-brothers' HUD. Brother Thesis took aim with his missile launcher and fired, the building across the square exploded with deadly shrapnel, killing the cultist leader and many ...