

Homing in on the last location of the scribe, Graeme Reede's signal, Tempestor Virion Stormborn and his squad move in.  Time is of the essence. Scions of the God's Godsworn were already on the scene, moving from room to room looking for the scribe. Splitting into fireteams, the scions of PEGASUS cautiously move in. Suddenly from down the hall, Las shots flashed all around them. Taking cover, PEGASUS returns fire. Years of fire drills and active combat has honed the Scions into deadly efficient killers.  Each room becomes a brutal firefight as the Godsworn and PEGASUS clash as they race to be the first to find the Scribe. Hiding amongst the cogniter machines Graeme cowers as las bolts criss-cross the hallway, only when it goes quiet does he peer out of his Hiding place. Squad PEGASUS is there to greet him. Suddenly without warning the scions take aim. Fearing he is about to be executed, Graeme cowers. The s...

Uncovered Secrets

Doing routine logistics, Adeptus scribe Graeme Reede, of the departmento munitorum discovers something suspicious.  Following protocol Graeme contacted Inquisitor Agatha Ivana. The Scribe reported that an encrypted logistics file indicated that for months before the cult uprising somebody has been siphoning weapons and supplies to the Golden Path, marking the items as lost. Not only this, but it appears that assets and troops have been moved to the 666th Sagan regiment.  As Graeme made his report it was intercepted by Tepestor Prime, Zaggan Blackbringer, of the God sworn. Jamming the signal, Zaggan orders his men to seek the Scribe and kill him. The signal lost, Inquisitor Ivana orders Virion Stormborn of PEGASUS to retrieve Graeme and bring him in. Ivana knows that time is of the essence, as enemy troops are no doubt seeking the Adept themselves. 

Traitor Guard pt.6 the Final Showdown

After Lt. Dekker's victory, the Streetsweepers needed badly to re-arm and rest at a nearby supply depot.  While the Imperials resupplied Darkhelm repaired his damaged tanks and gave chase using his foreknowledge of the location of the supply depot.  Under the watchful eyes of Imperial Saints the two armies squared off for what will be the final time.  Using his superior arms and armour to take the upper hand, Darkhelm ordered his men to fire everything they had as they raced toward Dekker's men. Imperial soldiers fell in droves under the hail of las and heavy bolter fire.  A scout Sentinel moved from cover to engage one of Darkhelm's Chimera only for the light tank's crew to veer away, ignoring the walker to continue it's attack on the vulnerable infantry squads.  As the Chimera shot threw the streets, Darkhelm had a clear shot at the sentinel.  Firing all the tank's guns at...

Traitor Guard pt.5

Exhausted and having taken heavy losses, Lt. Dekker knew that the Street Sweepers could not take much more. Dekker and Commissar Brawn devised a plan that they hoped would turn the tide of the battle and restore morale to their men.  They lured the 666th into a dense neighborhood where the tanks would have trouble navigating. Circling back they caught the armoured fist squads from the rear and used their mobility and numbers to attack the traitors. Running from ruin to ruin under covering fire of the wyvern the Street Sweepers were able to easily get withing range to make use of their melta guns, heavily damaging Darkhelm's tank as well as the Chimera transports without taking many casualties. His Russ billowing smoke, Darkhelm was forced to order a retreat, the Streetsweepers cheering as the tanks limped away.

Traitor Guard pt.4

Knowing that Tank Commander Darkhelm possed a very real threat the servants of the corpse emperor once again made an attempt on the Sagan's life. Luring the 666th deeper into the hab, the Streetsweepers turned to fight, in hopes of eliminating Darkhelm before it's too late.  Lt. Dekker and Commissar Brawn order their men forward with threats that any man falling back would face the Emperor's wrath at their hands. The Imperials let loose a hail of lasfire, but Darkhelm's leman russ was immune to such small arms and the Las shots struck uselessly on it's sturdy hull. Brawn cursed the men for lacking sufficient faith in the Emperor as he witnessed the soldiers' best efforts come to naught. The sacrifices  of Dekker's men was just a ploy. A squad of infantry led by a scout Sentinel snuck through the rubble strewn hab block, getting behind Darkhelm and his tanks. The s...

Traitor Guard pt.3

Pushing their advantage, Darkhelm ordered the 666th to give chase to the Imperials.  The Tank Commander determined to crush the Street Sweepers once and for all.  As the 666th moved down the rubble strewn streets Imperials sprung from hiding. The Emperor's lapdogs focused their fire upon Darkhelm's battle tank in an effort to assassinate the Sagan tank Commander.  The Imperial fire bounced uselessly of the relic tank's hull as Dekker's men gave it everything they had. The Sub Lieutenant bellowing orders to not let up.  "Open Fire!" Darkhelm ordered over the comms. The Chimera skid to a halt and took aim. Imperials dropping in the streets in droves as multi laser fire scythed through their ranks. Imperials rushed from cover filling the Street with a solid wall of lasfire to little effect on the armoured vehicles. The 666th return fire however destroyed entire squads with every Salvo.  As th...

Traitor Guard pt. 2

Retreating deeper into the city, with Darkhelm and the 666th hot on their heels, Lt. Dekker and his men seek cover from the traitorous forces.  With superior speed on their side, Darkhelm's men soon catch up to the Emperor's lapdogs. Soon, Festungrad will be free, and will no more sons and daughters of Saga need fight in wars for the uncaring Imperium.  Knowing that Darkhelm's men will soon be upon them, the Imperials prepare to defend themselves. Their maps showing that the area contains ample supplies, automated defenses, and a vox relay. If they survive and clear the area they would be able to call Governor Verrätor and request reinforcements. Laying down withering fire, two armoured fist squads take control of the vox relay and the defense battery, ensuring the Imperial low-lives could not call their HQ and warn them. The Imperials Knowing that control of the relay was vital,...